Kefir Health Benefits , 35 Benefits Contained If Consume Kefir

Diposkan oleh Unknown on Friday, September 4, 2015

Still little is known about kefir. Kefir is still so foreign to our ears. But, Kefir is a beverage that has so many kefir health benefits for our body. It was obtained from a lot of good mineral content that is in the kefir.

Before I explain the health benefits of kefir, I will explain what it is about kefir? Kefir is a drink that is almost similar to yogurt or what we call the probiotic drinks. Kefir is made from dairy ingredients are fermented. However, the natural kefir health benefits are much better than yoghurt, kefir fermented for using more than 60 types of microbes. If only a little yoghurt microbes only. Kefir is derived from Turkish means "Keif" means pleasant or unpleasant feelings. Kefir has been there since a long time, which previously came from the mountains of 'Kaukasus' in the Persian state. Even there is one type of drink that the suspect is a drink kefir listed in one verse in the Qur'an and the Bible.

Almond Kefir Health Benefits

Kefir Health Benefits is very abundant, and therefore Kefir has many benefits :

  • Fixing Bile and Pancreatic Function

The content of the good bacteria that exist in the health benefits of kefir is able to improve and optimize the function of the bile and pancreatic organ you.

  • Preventing Inflammation of the lung

Because Kefir is a beverage that is anti-inflammatory, then kefir can be used as prevention of the emergence of pneumonia or pneumonia in our bodies.

  • Curing and Overcoming Bronchitis

Besides being able to relieve the symptoms of asthma and inflammation of the lungs, kefir is also very effective in curing and overcome bronchitis.

  • Organ healthy digestion and Smooth Ingestion

Kefir contains good bacteria and microbes which have a very important function in maintaining the health of the digestive organs. Kefir is also able to launch the process of digestion. So the risk of experiencing gastrointestinal disorders in our body will be reduced.

  • Anti-toxin and Anti-Bacterial

The health benefits of kefir is one drink that is both anti-toxin and anti-bacterial, so as to fight bacteria and toxins that enter our bodies.

  • Anti Inflammatory

Kefir health benefits in addition to anti toxin, Kefir can also be used as an anti-inflammatory product. This means that, kefir can prevent inflammation and infection in organs - organs.

  • Body repair Motoric Function

Kefir also has excellent benefits to improve motor function in the body. This is because kefir can optimize the absorption of nutrients that are good for the nerves and the brain.

  • Relieves Symptoms of Influenza

As one of the drinks that contain anti-bacterial, making kefir can be relied upon to relieve influenza disease. It also avoids disruption caused by germs and other bacteria.

  • Prevent and Reduce Asthma Symptoms As

Kefir kesehatn many benefits, particularly from the symptoms of shortness of breath or asthma symptoms. With kefir, respiratory cavity narrowing and inflammation will soon be resolved and our breathing becomes more smoothly.

  • Well To Lower Blood Sugar

For those of you who suffer from diabetes, and has high blood sugar, kefir can be one of the beverage of your choice to lower your blood sugar levels.

  • Preventing and Treating Hemorrhoids or Hemorrhoids

The health benefits of kefir are very good for your digestion. One nice benefit of this is that it can prevent and treat hemorrhoids or Ambeyen conditions you experienced.

  • Preventing Heart Disease Oroner

Has the benefit that can help a thickening of the heart wall, then kefir can also be beneficial for preventing coronary heart disease.

  • Good for your Intestinal Health

Benefits of kefir milk containing probiotic bacteria or commonly known as good bacteria. These good bacteria are able to maintain the health of your colon and cleanse your intestines from bacteria - bacteria that evil that invade the body.

  • Accelerate Wound Healing and Blood Clotting

Kefir is also reliable in the process of wound healing. This is caused by the content of vitamin K contained in kefir can trigger blood clots for those who were injured.

  • Preventing Osteoporosis

For those of you who do not want to experience osteoporosisi, then you should try to consume kefir regularly, because kefir is able to prevent osteoporosis.

  • Alternative For Those Who Have Allergies In Milk

For those of you who are allergic to cow's milk, do not be afraid. Turns examined kefir safe for you who are allergic to cow's milk. Therefore kefir can be an alternative for those of you who are allergic to milk.

  • Optimizing Heart Health

Drink kefir is also very good for our heart health. Kefir can optimize the work of the heart and our heart functions.

  • Keeping Blood Pressure

You suffer from hypertension or hypotension? Then you would be suitable to consume the benefits of kefir. It is caused by a natural ingredient in kefir is able to control and maintain your blood pressure.

  • Increase Metabolism

Kefir can also maximize and optimize the metabolic processes in the body. By optimizing the metabolic processes in the body, then you will be more fit and not susceptible to disease.

  • Optimizing Nutrient Absorption

By eating kefir, the absorption of nutrients to the organs of your body will become more optimal. The body will be ternutrisi very well.

  • Prevent Tumor

As an anti-oxidant, anti-bacterial and anti-toxins, the benefits of kefir are very effective in preventing the emergence of tumors in the organs of your body.

  • Lowering Cholesterol Evil

For those people with cholesterol, kefir has the benefit of a very tubs to reduce levels of bad cholesterol in yourself.

  • Antioxidants and Free Radicals Antidote

Kefir has also been named as one of the excellent antioxidant beverage. Kefir can be the antidote to free radicals, and prevent the occurrence of various disorders of the body caused by free radicals, such as aging.

  • Maintain Bone Health

Vitamin K which is on kefir can protect your bone health. this can prevent you in experiencing disturbances in bone health, such as liming, strengthens bone structure and also prevents osteoporosis.

  • Optimizing Repair and Kidney Function

Kidney is one of the most important organs that exist in the human body. By eating kefir, the health of your kidneys will always be awake and function will always be optimal.

  • Relieves Rheumatism

Kefir also has good benefits in relieving rheumatism that you suffer.

  • Healthy and Good for Health And Beauty Skin

Not only organ in the body, it turns out the benefits of kefir for beauty can maintain the health of organs outside the body is the skin. Kefir can maintain healthy skin, so your skin becomes brighter, not dry and also ternutrisi well.

  • Anti Cancer

Usefulness as a beverage antioxidant, antibacterial and antitoxin make kefir can be one of the drinks that can prevent the growth of cancer cells.

  • Cleaning the Body of Toxins Deposition

It is inevitable, in our bodies must still be remnants of harmful toxic sediments, which have not been undergoing detoxification. By taking the benefits of kefir, then the toxins can be cleaned and do not settle in the body.

  • Treating Worms

Worms seem a trivial disease, but it could be dangerous. Therefore you can consume kefir regularly to prevent and treat intestinal worms that you experienced.

  • Relieves Diarrhea

For those of you who often experience diarrhea, you should try kefir. It is caused by bacteria in kefir content that can help optimize your digestive system.

  • Optimizing Healthy and Hair Health

The content of vitamins and minerals contained in kefir can maintain and optimize the health of your hair, so dpat cause your hair to become healthier, stronger and shining.

  • Adding Muscle Mass

Kefir also contains proteins and amino acids. This can help you especially who are conducting the process of the formation of muscle mass in increasing your muscle mass to the optimum.

  • Work Alleviate Liver in Detoxification Conduct

The amount of poison that many will make the job of the liver becomes severe. kaena it to consume kefir, then the performance of the liver can become lighter and avoid distractions - impaired liver function.

  • Can Relieve Insomnia

Kefir also has good benefits in relieving insomnia and some other sleeping disorders.

It was her 35 health benefits of kefir can kit get if we consume them. Hopefully this article can be useful for you, please make a comment and share this article. Thank you

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